I am a big believer in gratitude. When people give of themselves to help others, I think they should be recognized for what they have done.
It looks like Jesus felt the same way. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus healed 10 lepers. The passage says: Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him,“Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
When people are kind to me, I feel like the healed leper. Following his example, I would literally throw myself at the feet of those who show kindness if it were socially acceptable. Many times, it feels like we live in a world where the opposite of kindness is the norm; so when it is shown, it feels incredible.
Our hearts have been full over 2016 and already in 2017 with the kindness that has been shown to us with our music by so many people. Below are examples starting in January 2016:
1/31/16– “Typical Day in Heaven” from the album HOLE IN THE SKY reaches #2 on the Play MPE Christian Top 20 Weekly Streams and #3 on the Play MPE Christian Top 20 Weekly Downloads in preparation for its official radio release on 2/23/16.
2/24/16– “Typical Day in Heaven” makes the Billboard Music Most Added Christian Rock National Airplay Chart for the March 5 edition.
3/17/16– “Typical Day in Heaven” is one of 50 songs to make the Apple Music Christian & Gospel Found Sounds Playlist.
3/28/16– “Did Ya Hear?” from the album Leap is selected by A-Sides Radio Promotion as
part of their Easter radio campaign and reaches #8 on the Christian Radio Chart.
5/6/16– Racman Christian Radio features us on their Artist Music and Spotlight show.
5/17/16– “Typical Day in Heaven” reaches #1 on the Top 100 Christian Songs 2016 according to SortHits.
6/20/16– “Mama’s Faith” from the album HOLE IN THE SKY is selected by A-Sides Radio Promotion
as part of their Traditional Christian Music campaign and reaches #1 on the Christian Radio Chart, being added to 602 stations.
7/16/16- “No Go” from the album HOLE IN THE SKY makes the Billboard Music Most Added Christian Rock
National Airplay Chart for the July 23 edition.
8/4/16– Our music is recognized with two IMEA Award nominations– “Typical Day in Heaven” as
Christian Song of the Year and J. Douglas Wright as Christian Artist of the Year.
9/3/16– “Typical Day in Heaven” is one of 25 songs to make the Breaking Christian Apple Music Playlist.
10/21/16– “Jangchikyjang” from the album HOLE IN THE
SKY is nominated in the Christian Song Category by the Independent Music Awards.
12/31/16– “Typical Day in Heaven” is #1 on Crossroads Top 30 Christian Rock Songs of 2016, and “No Go” is #25. 
1/5/17– “No Go” makes the Billboard Music National Airplay Most Added
Christian Rock Chart for the second time and will be included in the January 14 edition.
1/16/17– “No Go” is on Renegade Radio’s Top 20 of the week.
Some have said to play it cool when great things happen. I think a production needs to be made every time, because at the heart of it is the kind act of someone. We are so very grateful to the radio station managers and others that made the Play MPE, Billboard, Sort Hits, and Christian Radio Charts possible, and to those who work at these organizations. We thank A-Sides Radio Promotion, Crossroads Radio, Renegade Radio, Racman Christian Radio, IMEA and the Independent Music Awards. There are many other individuals and stations that we will thank in upcoming posts. We thank the listeners of the music for liking the music enough to buy it, request it, and send us messages about the way it has spoken to you. And, of course, we thank our Maker for allowing our paths to cross all of you through the music.
Thank you for letting us grovel at your feet in thanks.